Saturday, November 14, 2015

Holiday Preparedness

As the Holiday Season is quickly approaching, I find myself looking to organize my pantry. Here are the steps that I follow in order to be prepared ahead of time:

1. Gather the recipes that you intend on using through out the season. Remember to check your calendar for those events you my have already forgotten about.

2. Make a listing of items that are needed for your recipes.

3. Check your pantry - throw out expired or unusable items.

4. Check your pantry against the list you made and write up the purchases needed.

5. (optional)  This is not optional for me as I am always looking for ways to save. Check for coupons and sales for the items you need.

6. Purchase the items you need.

7. Lets not forget to put those pantry items away in an organized fashion.  We want to be able to find what we need.

Here are my favorite containers for Flour & Sugar.Bag in Sugar Dispenser (Clear) (10"H x 9"W x 5"D)

Monday, August 3, 2015

It sure has been a while since I have even thought about writing on the blog.  That being said I need to write to get the words out - can't help others if I don't try.

Today's adventure was making a light inexpensive salad to go with tonight's burgers.

Cucumber Tomato Salad

3 large cucumbers - peeled and cubed.
1 pint of Cherry Tomatoes - sliced in 1/2
1 small onion sliced
1 cup of Italian Dressing of choice
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place all items into a large bowl, cover and refrigerate. Enjoy at least 2 hours later.

Doesn't it look yummy!
Have a great day and thanks for joining me here! - Bonnie

Sunday, January 25, 2015

What is "Goof Proof Pantry"?

Let's see... I thought of the name when I was trying my hand at small business marketing. It was for a mixes company. Needless to say I wasn't good at that type of business. Phew. That was hard to admit, because I tend to be a perfectionist.

Instead I found myself following quite a few mom, family, and gardening blogs. What did most of these people running them have- the were being successful at something they love.

I didn't like talking and reeling people into purchasing products, nor did I enjoy the product all that much.  I still had the name - so why not do something I love. Taking care of my family, home, animals, and garden.

Being the frugal person I am, I try to repurpose everything I can. I'm not going to waste the money spent on a name by not using it.  In the off chance that I could be successful at blogging and possibly be able to monetize the blog, let's give this a chance.

If you have any home, family or gardening  topics you would like to discuss, please feel free to give me your input .

Have a Great Day and Smile!! It makes you feel great!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Let me introduce myself........

We try daily to complete what we need to for our families. From the minute we wake in the morning, til we are shutting off all the lights and making sure the doors are locked, we are caring for someone.

As a daughter, wife, then mother, I have found that caring is the one thing that I am good at.  My identity has been defined by what I am doing for others. We clean our homes, do laundry, go grocery shopping, make dinner.... all for the sake of others.

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont

The love we get in return is the highest payment one could receive. The joy our little ones have when snuggling the warm blanket straight from the dryer to the sigh of relief our husbands have when threy realize home is a safe haven.

Each day is a new adventure.... share your adventures and questions.... we'll explore this world of being the one with care.

Thanks for joining me here -Bonnie